Sunday, February 16, 2020

Best Luxury Handbag Brand In India

Baggit is one of the most popular handbag brands founded in 1990 by Nina Lekhi.
Nina Lekhi's Story

'The only thing that overcomes hard luck is hard work' this quote is absolutely apt for  founder - Nina Lekhi.She started with an out-of-home business but with her resilience to achieve more; Baggit became an industry leader.With a strong belief in Quality Bags for Quality People, she built this niche showcasing her designs of quirky non-leather handbags.Her zeal to inspire is reflected in her book Bag It All, where she has shared her journey from the Art of Failing to Doing Business with Love.It is the most recognized luxury handbag brand that manufactures the best quality handbags at affordable prices.
Best TVC of the Year (TAVF) - 2018 
PETA Approved Vegan Fashion Award - 2013
Karmayogini Award (Maharashtra Government) - 2012

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